Tevinter.net is a fan website for Dragon Age, specifically Dragon Age: Origins. Resources and tools will be hosted at the site.
DA:O Party Planner
My main motivation for creating this website was that I wanted to do a playthrough of DA:O, and was looking for a build calculator tool. When I was unable to find one, I decided to do the game justice and build one myself.
Appreciation to BioWare
Big thanks to BioWare for creating some of the best role playing games of all time.
Use of assets disclaimer
This website is a fan project and is not affiliated with or endorsed by BioWare. The game assets used on this website are the intellectual property of BioWare and/or Electronic Arts. They are used here under fair use for the purpose of creating fan content.
Character concept artist
Submit bugs and features
Supporting the project
The goal is to host the website to the community without any ads or cookies! Donations from the community will allow the site to keep running and further the development.